Tampere, Finland – March 10, 2011 – Sparkle, Azkend HD and Heroes of Kalevala are now available on the Mac App Store.
After the recent release of Sparkle 10tons has released three games on the Mac App Store. All games have appeared on top 10 lists of several large casual gaming portals. Azkend HD, Sparkle, and Heroes of Kalevala are high quality action puzzle games suitable for all ages.
Azkend HD is a remastered version of the previous Mac OS X versions and it’s only available on the Mac App Store. Azkend HD features high resolution graphics and enhanced visual effects compared to the previous Mac OS X version.
10tons will release more titles on the Mac App Store throughout the year. The next two titles will be Miriel the Magical Merchant and Miriel’s Enchanted Mystery.
The price for all games is USD 9.99 or 7.99 EUR. There is also a limited amount of promo codes available for press members. Request a promo code by sending an e-mail to sampot/(at)/10tons.com
Sparkle: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sparkle/id402383536
Azkend HD: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/azkend-hd/id409094928
Heroes of Kalevala: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/heroes-of-kalevala/id408821229
About 10tons Ltd:
10tons Ltd is a Finnish cross platform game developer and publisher founded in 2003. 10tons has released several games for numerous platforms. Their creations include games like Heroes of Kalevala, Miriel-series, Sparkle, and Azkend. To find out more, please visit 10tons.com. You can also follow 10tons on Twitter @10tonsLtd or find 10tons on Facebook.